Going through old photos, I was trying to figure out a fun way to sum up some of the latest travels and stumbled across a postcard. I was struck by how simple it was, how in a collection of small pictures it could give pretty well sum up a place or experience.
Using the trusty old cardboard rectangle as my compass, I decided it might be cool to summarize trips in a series of six photos as a sort of digital postcard. Each picture will represent a different category—art, food, portrait, pattern/texture, nature, view—to paint a full picture of the given locale or culture. In this way, I hope I can share a snapshot of each place I visit.
Also, if I don't get too lazy, I'll include a gallery below to explain why the pictures made the cut. These aren't my best photos per say, but together they tell a little bit of a story. Or, at least that's the hope.
First up is Oahu. I visited the island this past April—my first trip to Hawaii ever—to visit my buddy Nick. He was finishing up a clinical on the west side of the island, and we all crashed at an AirBnB in Honolulu. What a strange and wild place. The tension between native islanders and American imperialism is such a strong undertone here. You really feel like an invader. One side is a beautifully colorful and unique island culture that has lived in harmony with nature for hundreds of years and on the other is an equally colorful (but quite garish) culture of vacationers, sugary umbrella drinks, and the deep military history of Pearl Harbor. It's an awkward symbiotic relationship, two sides that don't necessarily see eye to eye relying on one another to survive economically in an island paradise.
Fortunately or unfortunately, these photos don't necessary reflect the conflict. For the most part, I focused on the natural beauty of the island and a couple of things that will always remind me of my time adventuring around the lush underbelly of Hawaii.